How to Calculate Inflation Rate From CPI?

Calculating the inflation rate from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a fundamental procedure in macroeconomics, and understanding this calculation is vital for anyone interested in economic analysis.

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?

Before diving into the calculation, it’s important to understand what CPI represents. The CPI is an index that measures the average change over time in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services. This basket represents items of consumption, which are categorically divided, like food, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education, etc.

CPI Inflation Calculator How to calculate inflation rate between two years

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2. Formula for Calculating Inflation Rate from CPI:

The inflation rate represents the percentage change in the price level from one period to the next (usually measured yearly).

The formula to calculate the inflation rate using CPI is:

Inflation Rate=(CPI in the current year−CPI in the previous year

CPI in the previous year)×100Inflation Rate=(CPI in the previous year

CPI in the current year−CPI in the previous year​)×100

3. Detailed Explanation of the Process:

  • Identify the CPI values: You’ll need the CPI values for two points in time to calculate the inflation rate between those times. Typically, these two points are one year apart, but they can also represent different intervals like monthly or quarterly.
  • Subtract the older CPI from the newer CPI: This will give you the change in CPI over the period in question.
  • Divide the change in CPI by the CPI from the beginning (older) period: This calculates the proportionate change in the CPI over the interval.
  • Multiply by 100: To express the inflation rate as a percentage, multiply the result from the previous step by 100.

4. An Example for Clarity:

Let’s assume you want to calculate the inflation rate for the year 2021 using CPI.

  • CPI in 2020 (previous year): 105
  • CPI in 2021 (current year): 108

Plug these values into the formula:

Inflation Rate=(108−105105)×100=(3105)×100≈2.86%

Inflation Rate=(105108−105​)×100=(1053​)×100≈2.86%

So, the inflation rate from 2020 to 2021 is approximately 2.86%.

5. Important Points to Consider:

  • The CPI values you use should correspond to the same basket of goods and services, as the contents of this basket can change over time in response to changing consumption patterns.
  • It’s also important to note that the CPI and, subsequently, the inflation rate might not capture the exact experience of every individual or household. They provide an average measure that’s representative of households in an economy.
  • Inflation rates derived from the CPI are often used to make cost-of-living adjustments to salaries, pensions, and other monetary metrics in many economies.

In summary, the inflation rate derived from the CPI provides a measure of how much the average price level has increased over a period of time, reflecting the erosion in purchasing power of money.

How to Calculate Inflation Rate Between Two Years?

Calculating the inflation rate over two years requires data on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for each of those years. The CPI represents the average price level for a basket of goods and services in a particular year. The inflation rate measures the percentage change in this price level from one year to the next.

Here’s how to calculate the inflation rate between two years:

1. Get the CPI for the Two Years in Question:

  • Let’s say you’re trying to find the inflation rate between Year 1 and Year 2.
  • Obtain the CPI for Year 1 (let’s call this 1CPI1​) and the CPI for Year 2 (let’s call this 2CPI2​).

2. Use the Following Formula to Calculate the Inflation Rate:

Inflation Rate=(2−11)×100Inflation Rate=(CPI1​CPI2​−CPI1​​)×100

3. Work Through the Formula:

  • Subtract the CPI of Year 1 from the CPI of Year 2.
  • Divide the result by the CPI of Year 1.
  • Multiply by 100 to convert the result into a percentage.

Example: Let’s calculate the inflation rate between 2019 and 2020 using hypothetical CPI values:

  • 2019CPI2019​ (Year 1) = 240
  • 2020CPI2020​ (Year 2) = 248

Inflation Rate=(248−240240)×100=(8240)×100=3.33%Inflation Rate=(240248−240​)×100=(2408​)×100=3.33%

So, the inflation rate between 2019 and 2020 in this hypothetical example is 3.33%.

Remember that the accuracy of your inflation rate calculation largely depends on the reliability of your CPI data. It’s essential to use official and updated sources when obtaining CPI values.

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How to Calculate the Annual Inflation Rate from Monthly CPI?

To calculate the annual inflation rate from monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, you’d typically use December-to-December data (or end-of-year data) for an annual view. However, if you wish to calculate an annual rate from any given month to the same month in the following year, the formula remains the same.

Here’s how to calculate the annual inflation rate from monthly CPI data:

1. Obtain Monthly CPI Values:

  • You’ll need the CPI values for the starting month of the initial year and the ending month of the following year. For a regular annual view, this would typically be December of Year 1 and December of Year 2.

2. Use the Annual Inflation Rate Formula:

Annual Inflation Rate=(end month−start month start month)×100

Annual Inflation Rate=(CPIstart month​CPIend month​−CPIstart month​​)×100

3. Work Through the Formula:

  • Subtract the starting month’s CPI from the ending month’s CPI.
  • Divide the result by the starting month’s CPI.
  • Multiply by 100 to convert the result into a percentage.


Let’s say you want to calculate the annual inflation rate from the CPI data of January 2020 and January 2021:

  • Jan 2020CPIJan 2020​ = 250
  • Jan 2021CPIJan 2021​ = 260

Plug these values into the formula:

Annual Inflation Rate=(260−250250)×100=(10250)×100=4%Annual Inflation Rate=(250260−250​)×100=(25010​)×100=4%

So, the annual inflation rate from January 2020 to January 2021 is 4%.

When working with monthly data, remember that short-term fluctuations might appear significant on a monthly basis but smooth out over the year. It’s also worth noting that some statisticians might use the average CPI value for the entire year (rather than just December or end-of-year data) to measure annual inflation.