Salary Inflation Calculator Singapore – Calculate Future SGD Inflation

A Salary Inflation Calculator Singapore is an invaluable tool for individuals and employers in Singapore to determine how much a salary should increase to keep pace with inflation. This helps to ensure that the real value (after adjusting for inflation) of an employee’s salary remains constant over time.

Over the last 61 years, Singapore’s consumer price inflation rate has fluctuated between -1.8% and 22.4%. For the year 2022, the inflation rate stood at 6.1%. Between 1961 and 2022, the average annual inflation rate was 2.6%. Cumulatively, there was a 350.53% rise in prices during this period. Thus, an item priced at 100 dollars in 1961 would cost 450.53 dollars at the start of 2023.

Salary Inflation Calculator Singapore

Inflation can be defined as the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, causing purchasing power to fall. In many economies, including Singapore, salary increments are often influenced by the prevailing inflation rate to ensure that employees maintain their purchasing power.

How does the Salary Inflation Calculator work?

Salary Inflation Calculator Singapore 2023
  1. Input Initial Year and Final Year: To determine the cumulative inflation rate over a specified period, the inflation calculator requires the starting year (initial year) and the ending year (final year) of the period you are interested in.
  2. Enter Initial Salary: Input the salary from the initial year.
  3. Inflation Rate Application: The calculator uses the average annual inflation rate for Singapore (which is typically sourced from official statistics) and applies it to the initial salary to calculate the equivalent salary in the final year.
  4. Output: The calculator then provides an output showing what the salary should be in the final year to have the same purchasing power as the initial salary.

Benefits of the Salary Inflation Calculator for Singapore:

  1. Financial Planning: For individuals, understanding how inflation affects salaries can be a cornerstone of personal financial planning, helping in anticipating future expenses and savings needs.
  2. Salary Negotiations: It’s a useful tool during salary negotiations. Employees can cite inflation-adjusted figures to employers to negotiate better increments.
  3. Business Budgeting: For employers, it helps in budgeting, especially when planning annual increments for employees.
  4. Historical Comparisons: The tool allows employers and researchers to compare salaries from different years in real terms, removing the distorting effect of inflation.

How To Calculate the Inflation Rate in % (Singapore)

If you want to calculate the inflation rate in percentage for Singapore, you would need to know the present value and the future value of a specific basket of goods or currency amount. The inflation rate reflects how much prices have increased (inflated) over a given period.

Here’s how you would calculate the inflation rate based on these values:

1. Determine Present and Future Values

  • Present Value: This is the value of the basket of goods or currency amount at the beginning of the period you are analyzing.
  • Future Value: This is the value of the same basket of goods or currency amount at the end of the period.

2. Use the Following Formula

The inflation rate can be calculated using the following formula:

Inflation Rate=(Future Value−Present ValuePresent Value)×100

Inflation Rate=(Present ValueFuture Value−Present Value​)×100

Calculate Singapore Inflation Rate in Percentage (%):

What is Inflation?

Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services in an economy rises, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of a unit of currency.

Explanation: Consider a simple scenario: If the inflation rate is 2%, then a loaf of bread that costs $1 this year will cost $1.02 the next year. So, if your income doesn’t increase by at least the inflation rate, you won’t be able to buy as much with the same amount of money.

Causes of Inflation:

  1. Demand-pull inflation: This occurs when demand for goods and services exceeds their supply. It can be caused by increased consumer spending due to lower interest rates, increased government spending, etc.
  2. Cost-push inflation: This type of inflation happens when the costs to produce goods and services increase, and businesses pass on those costs to consumers in the form of higher prices. Reasons can include higher raw material prices or wages.
  3. Built-in inflation: Often referred to as wage-price inflation, it happens when workers demand higher wages and, if they get those higher wages, companies then raise their prices to cover the higher wage costs.

Measurement: Inflation is typically measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI examines the average prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food, and medical care. An increase in this index indicates inflation, while a decrease indicates deflation.

Inflation Formula for Singapore

In Singapore, the primary measure for inflation is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is calculated using the prices of a specified basket of goods representative of consumption expenditure by households.

Formula to Calculate Inflation Rate:

Inflation Rate=(CPI in the current year−CPI in the previous year CPI in the previous year)×100

Inflation Rate=(CPI in the previous years in the current year−CPI in the previous year​)×100


  • CPI in the current year: The Consumer Price Index for the year you are trying to find the inflation rate for.
  • CPI in the previous year: The Consumer Price Index for the preceding year.

The result gives you the inflation rate as a percentage, indicating how much prices have risen (positive percentage) or fallen (negative percentage) compared to the previous year.

In Singapore, the Department of Statistics releases the CPI, and this is used by policymakers, especially the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), to make decisions about monetary policy. It’s worth noting that there are different CPI baskets, including a core inflation measure that excludes the costs of accommodation and private road transport because these components can be volatile.

For sector-specific or more detailed inflation rates, one might also refer to other specialized indices, but the CPI remains the most widely used metric for overall inflation in Singapore.

Historical Singapore Inflation Rates in Comparison

YearSingaporeØ EUØ USAØ World
20226.12 %8.83 %8.00 %8.27 %
20212.30 %2.55 %4.70 %3.48 %
2020-0.18 %0.48 %1.23 %1.93 %
20190.57 %1.63 %1.81 %2.21 %
20180.44 %1.74 %2.44 %2.44 %
20170.58 %1.43 %2.13 %2.19 %
2016-0.53 %0.18 %1.26 %1.55 %
2015-0.52 %-0.06 %0.12 %1.43 %
20141.03 %0.20 %1.62 %2.35 %
20132.36 %1.22 %1.46 %2.62 %
20124.58 %2.66 %2.07 %3.73 %
20115.25 %3.29 %3.16 %4.82 %
20102.82 %1.53 %1.64 %3.35 %
20090.60 %0.84 %-0.36 %2.94 %
20086.63 %4.16 %3.84 %8.95 %
20072.10 %2.51 %2.85 %4.82 %
20060.96 %2.67 %3.23 %4.28 %
20050.43 %2.49 %3.39 %4.11 %
20041.66 %2.29 %2.68 %3.38 %
20030.51 %2.09 %2.27 %3.03 %
2002-0.39 %2.42 %1.59 %2.83 %
20011.00 %3.37 %2.83 %3.84 %
20001.36 %3.15 %3.38 %3.49 %
19990.02 %2.16 %2.19 %3.08 %
1998-0.27 %2.42 %1.55 %5.11 %
19972.00 %3.11 %2.34 %5.57 %
19961.38 %3.56 %2.93 %6.55 %
19951.72 %4.43 %2.81 %9.15 %
19943.10 %4.72 %2.61 %10.32 %
19932.29 %4.85 %2.95 %7.51 %
19922.26 %6.22 %3.03 %7.71 %
19913.43 %5.48 %4.23 %9.00 %
19903.46 %6.15 %5.40 %8.13 %
19892.35 %6.26 %4.83 %7.00 %
19881.52 %4.54 %4.08 %7.15 %
19870.52 %4.02 %3.66 %5.76 %
1986-1.39 %3.68 %1.90 %5.82 %
19850.48 %5.40 %3.55 %6.86 %
19842.60 %7.67 %4.30 %8.12 %
19831.20 %8.67 %3.21 %8.77 %
19823.92 %9.58 %6.13 %10.24 %
19818.18 %11.77 %10.33 %12.47 %
19808.53 %12.91 %13.55 %13.98 %
19794.08 %8.22 %11.25 %n/a
19784.87 %7.76 %7.63 %n/a
19773.16 %9.77 %6.50 %n/a
1976-1.84 %9.35 %5.74 %n/a
19752.54 %10.47 %9.14 %n/a
197422.37 %13.16 %11.05 %n/a
197319.64 %7.75 %6.18 %n/a
19722.08 %6.01 %3.27 %n/a
19711.76 %5.24 %4.29 %n/a
19700.46 %4.51 %5.84 %n/a
1969-0.27 %2.67 %5.46 %n/a
19680.66 %3.24 %4.27 %n/a
19673.34 %3.32 %2.77 %n/a
19662.01 %3.70 %3.02 %n/a
19650.18 %3.99 %1.59 %n/a
19641.73 %3.42 %1.28 %n/a
19632.21 %2.92 %1.24 %n/a
19620.42 %3.55 %1.20 %n/a
19610.40 %2.08 %1.07 %n/a

Singapore Wage Index

The Singapore Wage Index, commonly referred to as the “Labour Market Report“, is published by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). It provides insights into wage trends, employment, redundancies, and other vital statistics regarding the Singapore labor market.

Some main components related to wages in the report include:

  1. Nominal Wage Growth: This represents the percentage increase in total wages, including bonuses and employer CPF contributions, without accounting for inflation.
  2. Real Wage Growth: This accounts for inflation by subtracting the inflation rate (as measured by the Consumer Price Index, or CPI) from the nominal wage growth. It provides a more accurate representation of the actual increase in purchasing power of workers.
  3. Wage Changes by Occupation and Industry: The report offers a breakdown of wage changes by specific sectors and job types, providing insights into which industries are experiencing faster wage growth.
  4. Bonus Payouts: Apart from monthly wages, the report might also provide data on the Annual Wage Supplement (AWS), or the “13th-month bonus”, and variable bonuses.
  5. Progressive Wage Model (PWM) Impact: For sectors where the PWM is implemented, the report could highlight the impact of the model on wage growth.

The Singapore Wage Index, or the Labour Market Report, is an essential tool for policymakers, businesses, and workers to gauge the health of the labor market, understand wage trends, and make informed decisions.

For the most recent data, always refer to the Ministry of Manpower’s official publications or website.

Singapore wage per hour

  1. Minimum Wage: Historically, Singapore has not had a universal minimum wage system in place. Instead, they’ve had sector-specific wage guidelines, notably for the cleaning, security, and landscape sectors, under the Progressive Wage Model (PWM). The PWM mandates minimum basic wage requirements for workers in these sectors based on their job roles and skill levels.
  2. Median Wage: The median wage would vary by sector and occupation. To get a sense of average hourly wages in Singapore, you’d typically need to take the monthly wage and divide it by the standard number of working hours in a month.
  3. Foreign Workers: For certain categories of foreign workers, especially those under work permits, there might be different wage scales. These scales can be influenced by bilateral agreements and specific sector needs.
  4. Current Data: For the most recent and accurate hourly wage rates in Singapore, you might want to refer to official sources such as the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in Singapore. They regularly publish wage-related statistics that can provide detailed insights.


  • While the Salary Inflation Calculator is valuable, it’s essential to note that salary increments can also be influenced by factors other than inflation, such as performance, industry trends, economic conditions, and company profitability.
  • Additionally, the cost of living may rise at a different rate than general inflation, especially in cities like Singapore, which has seen housing and transportation costs outpace general inflation in some years.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: How is Singapore’s inflation calculated?

Singapore inflation is primarily calculated using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI measures the average change in prices over time that consumers pay for a basket of goods and services, which is representative of consumption expenditure by households. The inflation rate is then calculated by comparing the CPI of the current year with the CPI of the previous year using the formula:

Inflation Rate=(CPI in the current year−CPI in the previous year

CPI in the previous year)×100Inflation Rate=(CPI in the previous year

CPI in the current year−CPI in the previous year​)×100

Q: What is the current inflation rate in Singapore?

As of the last update in September 2021, I don’t have real-time data. For the most recent and accurate inflation rate for Singapore, please refer to the official website of the Department of Statistics Singapore or the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). They regularly publish economic bulletins and reports that include the latest inflation data.

Q: What is the average 10-year inflation rate in Singapore?

The average 10-year inflation rate can be derived by taking the annual inflation rates of each of the past ten years, summing them up, and then dividing by ten. The specific rate will vary based on the decade in question. For the most precise 10-year average, it’s best to refer to historical data provided by the Department of Statistics Singapore or other reputable financial databases that track long-term economic indicators.